Have your say on business rates… and more
There are a number of important consultations impacting working practices. ACCA will be preparing responses to the following consultations and welcomes your feedback and evidence. Please sent your thoughts to UKPolicy@accaglobal.com
The following questions are set to help guide member responses but views on other related areas are also welcomed:
HMRC Charter (closing 15 August)
- Do you think the charter sets the right standards for HMRC’s service to customers?
- What areas that are most important to customers when interacting with HMRC?
- How you would like to see HMRC measure and monitor how it is performing, including how we can best listen to feedback and make improvements?
Call for evidence: raising standards in the tax advice market (closing 28 August)
- What more could the government do to promote the work of good advisers?
- From your professional point of view, how do standards differ between different types of tax advice? (with examples if possible)
- Where else do good agents add value – for customers, HMRC and the wider economy? How could this be extended further?
- Do you have any evidence about the impacts of unqualified agents or agents that don’t meet standards? And how effective are HMRC’s interventions to tackle poor practice?
- What future changes do you consider will most impact the standards expected of the tax advice profession?
HM Treasury fundamental review of business rates (closing 18 September)
- How well do you think current reliefs reach businesses that need them? Could they be better targeted?
- What are your views on the frequency of revaluations (keeping in mind the need to giving businesses certainty while reflecting current property values)?
- How can business investment and growth best be supported through the business rates system, and how effective would business rates changes be compared to other available measures or tax reliefs?
The scope of qualifying expenditures for R&D Tax Credits: consultation (closing 13 October)
- Are there uses of data that contribute to R&D but which do not currently attract relief through the RDEC and SME schemes? Please provide examples
- Do you already claim for software costs under the current definition? If so, what was your experience of separating out the R&D specific costs for the purposes of the claim?
- Are there any business costs, partially or wholly for R&D purposes, that do not currently qualify for R&D tax credits, that should be if the regime is to better reflect the nature of modern R&D?
Comprehensive Spending Review: Representations will be accepted by the government from 24 September – practitioners may send feedback to ACCA before this date.
Article from ACCA In Practice