We are sharing this update from ACCA, our professional body, for the interest of clients and contacts. The content is (c) ACCA

The national insurance thresholds for all classes will be maintained until April 2028 at their current level. The government will fix the level at which employers start to pay Class 1 Secondary NICs for their employees (the Secondary Threshold) at £9,100 from April 2023 until April 2028.

The employment allowance is set to the current level of £5,000. It is expected that 40% of employers will not be affected by decisions on the threshold for employer NICs due to the employment allowance. The government will legislate for this measure in affirmative secondary legislation in early 2023.

The temporary 1.25 percentage point increase from 6 April 2022 in national insurance rates has been abandoned from 6 November 2022.

The Health and Social Care Levy is no longer going ahead. The introduction of a separate Health and Social Care Levy tax in April 2023 has been cancelled, too.