Businesses need to be aware of changes covering statements of ‘written particulars’.

Following the publication of the government’s Good Work Plan, and in order to improve the lot of casual workers in particular, the entitlement to a statement of ‘written particulars’ will now include workers as well as employees.

Importantly, from 6 April 2020 the right to a statement of written particulars becomes a day-one right, rather than after the current two months.

The information to be included in the written statement from day one is also being expanded. For all new joiners on or after 6 April 2020 the statement should also include:

  • how long a job is expected to last, or the end date of a fixed-term contract
  • how much notice the employer and worker are required to give to terminate the agreement
  • details of eligibility for sick leave and pay
  • details of other types of paid leave eg maternity and paternity leave
  • the duration and conditions of any probationary period
  • all remuneration (not just pay), eg vouchers, lunch and health insurance
  • the normal working hours; the days of the week the worker is required to work; and whether such hours or days may be variable, and, if so, how they vary or how that variation is to be determined
  • any training entitlement provided by the employer; any part of that training that the employer requires the worker to complete; and any other training that the employer requires the worker to complete and for which the employer will not bear the cost.

Employers will need to draft new statements and contracts in order to ensure that this information is provided, and look at induction procedures to make sure the correct documentation is delivered to all employees and workers on or before their first day of work.

A proforma schedule has been included within ACCA’s updated Employment Law Factsheets which includes:

  • the contract of employment
  • the standard statement of terms and conditions
  • working time
  • age discrimination
  • dealing with sickness
  • managing performance
  • disciplinary, dismissal and grievance procedures
  • unlawful discrimination
  • redundancy
  • settlement offers
  • family-friendly rights
  • employment status: workers.

Article from ACCA In Practice