Tories to abolish IR35

This story was in the Telegraph yesterday:General Election 2010: Tories see vote winner in reform of tax system for self-employedObviously this is just rhetoric right now, but it may be worth those concerned about IR35 pressing the issue home to their current and...

10 Downing Street petition

If, like me, you’re fed up with Gordon Brown and his turning back the countries economic, social and polititcal clock by 30 years then you can expres your views by signing up to the following petition onn the 10 Downing Street site:

Petition about Governments U-Turn on 10% tax rate

As some of you may well know HM Government has come in for some critisismm about the aboloition of the 10% tax band impacting on the lower paid.They have suggeted that they will raise the minimum wage to counteract that.Of course the Minimum Wage is picked up by...


Leadership is about responsibility – responsibility doesn’t always mean taking the fall when others mess up.To this end I think that a Statement to the House of Commons by the Chancellor and the resignation of the Chair of HMRC is overkill for a junior...


If you’d like to save Taper Relief, sign the petition at the 10 Downing Street www site:More controversially, if you think Mr Brown should go to the polls now:

Smoke and smoke

We often refer to “smoke and mirrors” – I think this weeks pre budget is just smoke and smoke – commonly known as spin or obfuscation. The changes to CGT are absolutely punitive for small businesses. I was with a business man this morning, who...